Capturing Video of High Speed Dogs

Capturing Action Videos of Dogs, Horses or Other Athletes

There are many scenarios where we would like to visualize or understand how movement occurs. It may be an athlete we are coaching, a patient with a gait abnormality or just capturing a video of our child or loved one who is doing something we want to remember.  The most important aspect of video analysis is to capture a good clean video in the first place. If the video is not good, it will hinder our ability for analysis or won’t be a good representation of the event.  Recent advances in video technology over the past twenty years have resulted devices and related applications that can be very useful for most anyone who has an interest in capturing video of athletic, working, or other similar activities.

It is somewhat different then then typical photography or videography.  The goal is to capture the components of action that occur in a very short period of time. Many times, these may be milliseconds.  When capturing action video it is important to recognize the focus is on capturing the subject in the action. We are not going to pose the subject.  We will only get one shot at catching the activity. Subsequent activities may be different related to speed, experience, or environmental changes.  Also, the subjects in action video are moving fast and parts of them are moving faster.  Many times, from a coaching or clinical standpoint, we will need to see how the body’s components move to best assess locomotion.

Over the past 30 years, I have been capturing video of animals for my studies of performance.  I have been asked many times how I create these action shots.  So I have created an instructional video that goes over the basic aspects of capturing athletes in action.

Note from the presenter: This is a presentation of information related capturing video of athletic and working dogs, horses or human athletes. I think it will become obvious to the viewer that I am not a professional speaker. I did not create this video as an entertainment piece but as an information source for anyone who has an interest in Canine Athletes or Working Dogs. It was developed to introduce the viewer to the concepts involved in capturing action videos.  I am hopeful that tis video is helpful to those of you who are interested in capturing video of their dog, horse or athlete.

Thank you for your interest!